July 1, 2018

You have Fs, we have Qs!
“Who are you?”
We are Russell and Emily! He’s from Florida, she’s from Ohio. We met at a karaoke bar in DC and were married a few years later. We like traveling and we love beer.
“Why create The Beer Travel Guide?”
Two reasons: 1. We like to plan brewery hops wherever we go, and it would take FOREVER– examining the Untappd ratings, searching the maps, perusing the tap lists, checking if they have food, discovering if they’d be open at the same time as the others, and so on and so on and so on. We always wanted a one-stop shop where we could find all of this information without hours of searching… so we decided to create one. 2. All of our friends ask us for advice on where to drink beer, and we figured a website would be easier than having to keep repeating ourselves. So it’s greedy, really.
“Can I write for your site?”
We appreciate the enthusiasm! However, unless the site grows beyond our ability to be the sole creators of content, we prefer to keep the site a document of our personal journeys and recommendations. For now.
“Can I advertise my brewery on your site?”
We love craft brewers and we love promoting them. Reach out to us via our contact form.
“How many beers do you try each year?”
Last year, we tried 1043 beers. Because of additional travel this year, we’re going to smash that number in 2018! You can follow everything we’ve had, plus the best beers we’ve had this year, right here.
“Hey, uh, something on your brewery list is wrong.”
Egad! Please tell us! We’re only human, and taprooms change all the time! If you spot something that’s inaccurate, please contact us and let us know so we can update it. Thanks!
“You say we don’t have food at our brewery, but we have food trucks on weekends!”
Unless a brewery has food every day, either via a kitchen or a permanent food truck, we err on the side of caution and put “no.” We’ve all gone to breweries when a food truck is scheduled and then had it fail to arrive. Most breweries *do* have food trucks on occasion, and everyone of course should check your target brewery’s social media pages and websites to see their food truck schedules.
“I went to a brewery when you said it’d be open, and it wasn’t open! What gives?”
One of two things! 1. They had a private event or irregular hours that day. Always check a brewery’s social media before going there on a hop (we’ve failed to do this at times and regretted it). 2. Our list is out-of-date! Please contact us so we can fix the error. Thanks!
“Why use Untappd to create your brewery lists? Untappd isn’t the definitive resource on what makes a brewery great!”
We agree! Untappd has its flaws, but we find it’s a useful starting point when it comes to identifying craft breweries, especially those that are newer or those that may go under the radar. There isn’t a perfect linear correlation between an Untappd score and the enjoyability of a brewery, in terms of both beer quality and quality of experience. We just find it’s a better way to sort a search for local breweries than, say, alphabetically, or by whichever breweries are listed first on Google.
Some of our best brewery experiences have come at breweries with high Untappd ratings– and some of our best brewery experiences have come at breweries with lower Untappd ratings! Obviously those creating their own brewery hops should consider all options and not be dissuaded from visiting a brewery by Untappd score alone– all local craft beer is worthy of your support! So don’t consider the Untappd score as some definitive ranking. We certainly don’t. We use it as a jump-off point, nothing more.
“Who designed your magnificent logo?”
Our magnificent logo was designed by the amazing Kenny Keil. Kenny is an artist and writer whose work has appeared in MAD Magazine, VIBE, Ego Trip, Complex, and Mass Appeal. He also authored the Amazon best-selling parody Stay-At-Home Scarface as well as several independent comics. You can find him at @kennykeil on social media.