The Best IPAs of 2020

For us, the IPA is the pizza of the beer world. You can change the ingredients, you can make it simpler or heavier, you can make it crisper or softer… but as long as the basic formula is the same, Read more…

The Best of the 2019 Great American Beer Festival

The 2019 Great American Beer Fest was an absolute blast, one of the best beer festivals we’ve had the pleasure of attending. Yes, there are boatloads of people, but we learned as we went, avoided lines, frequently hit the many Read more…

The 2019 Great American Beer Festival Award Winners

The Great American Beer Festival gave out its awards Saturday morning. With 2795 breweries submitting almost 9500 beers for the competition, these medals are among the most prestigious honors a brewery can win in this country. Below are the winners, Read more…

The Best Beers We Had At the Summit Beer Festival 2019

California’s Craft Beer Summit is a massive event, both for those in the California craft beer industry and for craft beer aficionados. Those in the industry get to partake in a two-day expo with dozens of vendors hawking products and Read more…